The doctors
The periodontist is a doctor specializing in tissues and gingival diseases and related to it.
The periodontist therefore deals with all diseases affecting the soft tissues in the oral cavity.
The gnathologist is the one who studies the physiology, pathologies and functions of the jaw and then studies the relationships between the jaws, the teeth, the two tempro-mandibular joints, the muscles that move the jaws and the nervous system that controls those muscles, including the tongue. Its role is therefore essential to correct incorrect positions of the jaw and to solve the problems of the contact points between the teeth.
The implantologist is the surgeon able to functionally rehabilitate the patient affected by total or partial edentulism through the use of dental implants, or rather metallic devices, inserted surgically into the mandibular or maxillary bone under the gingiva, the function of these devices is that to allow the connection of fixed or mobile prostheses to allow the patient to recover the masticatory functions.
The anesthesiologist is a doctor specializing in anesthesia, its function along with that of the anesthesiologist is to induce and stop the state of "sleep" induced by anesthetics, their presence is essential to evaluate patients eligible to undergo a intervention under general anesthesia and to monitor throughout the intervention to ensure patient safety.
The technicians
The dental technician is the dental technician enabled to create fixed prostheses, furniture and other dental appliances, works closely with the implantologist providing him with tailor-made prostheses depending on the case, his main functions are creation, repair and maintenance of fixed prostheses , orthodontic furniture and appliances.
The dental hygienist is a health care professional who thanks to a degree in dental hygiene can exercise its business in full autonomy, the dental hygienist deals with the prevention of diseases orodentali, its goal is to improve dental health for the purpose to improve systemic health, not esthetic and self-esteem
The assistant to the chair assumes a fundamental role within the dental clinic, is the direct collaborator of the doctor and is responsible for the order and correct functioning of the study, has two main functions, the first to support the doctor during all interventions, the second is to manage the company by organizing appointments, archiving the works and welcoming patients inside the clinic.
The anesthesiologist is a specialized nurse who assists the anesthesiologist so that he can do his job better.